Yantai Hengbang Chemical Auxiliary Co., Ltd. successfully passed the "dual prevention system" construction acceptance assessment work

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Recently, the Auxiliary Company has carried out the acceptance assessment of the construction of the safety risk hierarchical management and control and the hidden danger investigation and governance system. During the on-site assessment, the assessment experts listened to the introduction of the construction of the dual prevention system by the relevant staff of the Hengbang Auxiliary Safety Department, as well as the preparation and operation of the enterprise safety production risk classification management and control and accident hidden danger investigation and management system documents, risk and hidden danger elimination lists, etc. The basic management materials have been fully reviewed, and Hengbang additives have successfully passed the acceptance evaluation after a comprehensive evaluation.
This review has improved the safety management level of Hengbang additives and the ability of accident risk management and control. In the future safety management work, Hengbang additives will make continuous efforts to improve safety production to a new level.